How to use ceno
This page should help to setup the basic steps using ceno.
Download ceno using Eclipse Marketplace (Help / Eclipse Marketplace... ). Search for "ceno". It is also possible to directly use the update-site:
In case no ceno server is running somewhere, it can be started from the eclipse toolbar
Define the bind-adress of your ceno server. Choose an internal Database or a dedicated MySQL Database. Database must be already created in advanced, but ceno creates all required tables.
Client can connect to ceno using the toolbar icon displayed in the following screenshot
ceno then asks for a server adresse to connect to. On your first login, a toggle to the "register mode" is required.
After ceno successfully connects to the server, it will decore your package explorer tree. This can be configured using eclipse' general preferences dialog.
In case everything worked well, you should be able to your username in the ceno client view.